Note: below is a slightly edited version of an email I sent to Hank Green, vlogger, CEO of, and one of the founders of VidCon. It got a little out of hand. I’m a retired conrunner myself and, while the convention I was involved with had occasional harassment and obnoxious guests like most, I’m…
About: Althea
Author Archives: Althea
Recipe: ImPeachMint
Inspired by the following: The Impeachment. Peach, mint, vodka, and ginger. — Heather Havrilesky (@hhavrilesky) May 18, 2017 I made a cocktail. The out-of-season peaches at the supermarket were sad, so I just used peach schnapps instead. 1 shot vodka (ideally, Russian vodka) 1 shot peach schnapps 6 medium-large mint leaves 1 finger joint’s…
Kleptocracy Comes to Publishing: the All Romance eBooks Swindle
Last night I was busy attempting to meet an upcoming deadline (and, okay, procrastinating off social media), so I learned the bad news a little bit late. All Romance eBooks is closing after a decade in business. They claim that, since they’ve posted a loss for the first time ever in 2016, they can’t afford…
Election reaction, delayed.
This is really, really not the followup post I wanted to write. I’ve spent November reeling from the election. I’ve written multiple drafts of what to say here but never gotten around to posting it, railed and raged on Twitter, and marched in protests. I was going to say that I’m horrified this country chose…
I Cannot Be Silent: Why Writers Must Oppose Trump
(This is my first ever blog post outside my neglected Tumblr. The terrifying state of the world has kicked me into getting off my butt and blogging, though my future blog plans are more writing-related. I’m cross-posting this to Medium, where I’m @AltheaCDuffy. Also, TW for sexual assault/rape and all the other unpleasant stuff we’d…